About The Author

Hi, my name is Davey Griffith and I live in the south-east of Ireland in a city called Kilkenny. I’ve always been passionate about food – in every way – from growing healthy, organic produce to preparing it in a myriad of ways. I love to cook for friends and share not only the food but the atmosphere it creates. But most of all, I love to eat.

For many years I’ve been collecting up recipes in my own recipe book and I decided it was time to put them online so that others can enjoy them too. Friends often ask for the recipes, so now I have somewhere to send them where they can easily get them!

I’ll be adding some video content in the future too, from the growing of the food to the preparation of some of the recipes. I always find it’s great to watch someone make a recipe, as they sometimes do things by instinct that they forget to actually write down, and this can be critical points!

So feel free to help yourself to these recipes, some of them are my own, some are modified from amazing recipes I’ve come across, or that friends have shown me but that I didn’t write down so I had to improvise, and some were just really, really good recipes that I didn’t want to lose.
